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华威大学-University of Warwick

时间:2018-08-18 16:44:17   浏览:1960

华威大学(The University of Warwick),世界百强名校英国顶尖研究型大学,英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团成员,在QS世界大学排名中居54。华威大学位于英国英格兰中部华威郡和考文垂市的交界处,创立于1965年。华威大学以其严格的学生筛选标准,高水准的学术研究和教学质量而闻名,在英国主流媒体排名中,稳居英国前十名,QS排名中稳居世界百强、乃至前五十名 


华威大学在2014年英国官方公布的REF排名中,科研质量(GPA)位列第7、科研实力(Research Power)位列第14名;在2016/17泰晤士英国大学排名中位列第7

因2011年英国卫报发布的大学排名,华威大学校报The Boar发明创造了“Woxbridge”一词,意为华威大学牛津大学剑桥大学三强鼎立。华威大学在短短半个世纪内已在欧洲乃至全球建立起卓越的学术名望,是英国泰晤士国内大学排名中,除牛津、剑桥之外唯一一所未跌出过排名前十的英国大学。 



在华威郡创立一所新大学的提议在二战后不久就被提出。1960年,大学筹备委员会在Lord Rootes的领导下正式建立,委员会的成员包括考文垂市议会和华威郡议会。双方达成协议,在Gibett Hill旁共同划出400英亩(约1.6平方公里)土地用于建设新大学,1961年英国政府批准了华威大学的建立。1963年 ,《罗宾斯报告》发表,英国开始兴建新式大学。当时建立的7所大学(UEA, Essex, Kent, Lancaster, Sussex, Warwick, York)通常被称作Plate Glass University。这个名称是来源于它们的现代建筑设计,在钢或混凝土结构中广泛使用平板玻璃,与以维多利亚建筑风格为主的红砖大学和更古老的古典大学形成鲜明对照。这几所大学也被叫做“莎士比亚大学”,因为除UEA之外,其他大学的名字都出现在莎士比亚的作品中。时任考文垂教区主教Cuthbert Bardsley将大学命名为the University of Warwick。1965年华威大学获得英国皇家特许状,1979年合并了考文垂教育学院,并一步步将校园扩展至大约2.9平方公里,包括一系列的摩登建筑、学术院系、湖泊和林地。

1964年,华威大学招收了小部分研究生,并在1965年10月开始招收了第一批总计450人的本科学生。近几年来,华威大学被看做是英国工党政府(Labor Party,1997-2010年间执政)最青睐的学术机构。2015年4月8日,英国大选工党候选人米利班德(Ed Miliband)来到华威大学发表了竞选演说。

校长Lord Butterworth任期中,华威大学是英国首批将商业运作模式引入高等教育的大学之一,并和商界建立了紧密的联系,挖掘了学术研究的商业价值。同时它还是英国政府一系列旗舰级项目上的学术服务伙伴,包括“国家杰出才能和天赋青年研究院”(National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth)和英国人引以为豪的国家健康系统大学(NHS University)。英国前首相托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)称赞华威大学为“所有英国大学在的活力、质量和企业家精神上的灯塔”("a beacon among British universities for its dynamism, quality and entrepreneurial zeal")。

在时任英国首相布莱尔的引荐下,2000年12月,比尔·克林顿选择华威大学作为自己最后一次以美国总统身份出席海外重要政治性活动的目的地。克林顿的国家安全顾问Sandy Berger在随后12月7日的媒体发布会上阐明了此决定的原因:“华威大学是英国最年轻和最出色的大学之一,布莱尔首相认为她是具有卓越学术水平并同时与政府保持独立性的大学典范”("Warwick is one of Britain's newest and finest research universities, singled out by Prime Minister Blair as a model both of academic excellence and independence from the government")。


2001年二月,IBM向华威捐赠了价值2百万英镑的电脑和软件设施。2004年4月,华威大学收购了国际园艺中心(Horticulture Research International)在Wellebourne和Kirton的分部。同年7月,华威大学被设定为英国工党和英国工会(Trade Union)间重要协议的地点,后来此议案被称为“沃里克协议”(Warwick Agreement)。

2006年6月,华威医学院(Warwick Medical School)在考文垂建立了大学医院(University Hospital Coventry)作为临床医学研究的基地。2007年,华威医学院成为全英首家和英国医学研究委员会建立战略合作的医学院。

2012年,华威大学先后在2月和3月与澳大利亚的莫纳什大学(Monash University),伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen Marry University of London)建立了战略合作伙伴关系,签订了一系列细化课题的研究合作项目,其中包括联合研究生、博士生项目,英语、历史、计算机本科课程师资共享等。同年4月,纽约大学(NYU)城市科学与发展中心宣布了华威大学是其在欧洲唯一的大学合作伙伴。8月,华威大学和其他4所英格兰中部大学:伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham),莱斯特大学(University of Leicester),拉夫堡大学(Loughborogh University)和诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)组成了英格兰中部的M5大学联盟,一个意图于最大化成员机构的研究收入,促使更近距离合作的地域性的集团。

2013年9月,华威大学宣布工程制造学院(WMG)将建造英国汽车创新中心(National Automotive Innovation Centre) ,这一项目将于2017年完工。2015年3月,华威大学WMG学院获得了工程和物理研究委员会(EPSRC)的320万英镑研发经费,用于研发世界上最先进的模拟驾驶器。后续的100万英镑经费将用于捷豹路虎的新科技研发项目,而这一项目完全由华威大学的学生进行研发。这一项目将首先在WMG的国际制造中心(IMC)进行,随后将迁至国家汽车创新中心(NAIC)。

2014年7月,投资10亿英镑的高级推动研发中心(Advanced Propulsion Centre)选址华威大学,双方将共同治理于为英国交通提供更为清洁高效的动力系统。

2014年9月13日,中国国务院副总理马凯到访英国华威大学制造工程学院(WMG),代表团中还有中国驻英国大使刘晓明,英国驻中国大使Sebastian Wood。作为中国经济发展领导人物之一的马凯副总理对WMG与工业产业领域的合作项目感到印象深刻。在马凯副总理此次参加第六届中英经济财经对话的访英之行中,WMG也是副总理唯一造访的学术机构。

2014年,华威大学获得”泰晤士报“年度大学称号;同年,华威商学院宣布将在全英最高建筑碎片大厦(The Shard)开设华威商学院(WBS)伦敦校区,开设金融、人力资源非全日制硕士课程,以及MBA和EMBA课程。


2015年11月,在第三届教育国际论坛上,英国上议院议员,英国华威大学制造工程学院(WMG) 院长、库玛·巴塔查亚勋爵荣获2015年“虹桥奖”。 







在英国高等教育基金委员会研究评估中,华威大学的National Heart、Lung Institute、WMI(纯数学、应用数学,统计与运筹学)、电脑科学、化学工程、土木工程、机械工程、矿业工程、Metallurgy和Materials等专业均获得5星评价,而Pre-Clinical Studies、生物化学、生物科学、化学、物理、工程、电机及电子工程、历史等均获得5分。
















硕士学位有:MSc(理学硕士)、MA(文学硕士)、MChem(化学硕士)、MEng(工程硕士)、MMath(数学硕士)、MMathStat(数学与统计硕士)、MPhys(物理学硕士)、 MMorse、MB ChB等。







Undergraduate Courses本科课程清单 

·    Accounting and Finance (NN34)

·    Accounting and Finance (with foundation year) (N4N4)

·    Ancient History and Classical Archaeology (VV14)

·    Ancient History and Classical Archaeology with Study in Europe (VV18)

·    Applied Engineering (Part-time through WMG)

·    Automotive Engineering (H330)

·    Automotive Engineering (MEng) (H335)

·    Biochemistry (C700)

·    Biochemistry (MBio) (C1A2)

·    Biological Sciences (C100)

·    Biological Sciences (MBio) (C1A1)

·    Biomedical Science (B900)

·    Biomedical Science (MBio) (C1A3)

·    Business Studies (please see Management, Management (with foundation year), International Management,International Business, Accounting and Finance, Accounting and Finance (with foundation year) andInformation Systems Management and Innovation)

·    Chemistry (F100)

·    Chemistry (MChem) (F105)

·    Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (F121)

·    Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (MChem) (F125)

·    Civil Engineering (H200)

·    Civil Engineering (MEng) (H202)

·    Classical Civilisation (Q820)

·    Classical Civilisation with Philosophy (Q8V5)

·    Classical Civilisation with Study in Europe (Q821)

·    Classics (Q800)

·    Classics (Ancient Greek) with Study in Europe (Q801)

·    Classics (Latin) with Study in Europe (Q802)

·    Computer and Management Sciences (GN42)

·    Computer Science (G400)

·    Computer Science (MEng) (G403)

·    Computer Systems Engineering (G406)

·    Computer Systems Engineering (MEng) (G408)

·    Counselling and Psychotherapy (Foundation Degree with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Data Science (7G73)

·    Discrete Mathematics (G190)

·    Discrete Mathematics (MEng) (G4G3)

·    Early Childhood Degree (with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Economics (L100)

·    Economics and Global Sustainable Development (L1L8)

·    Economics and Industrial Organization (L112)

·    Economics, Politics and International Studies (LLD2)

·    Education Studies (X35B)

·    Electronic Engineering (H610)

·    Electronic Engineering (MEng) (H612)

·    Engineering (H100)

·    Engineering (MEng) (H102)

·    Engineering and Business Studies (H1N1)

·    Engineering Business Management (HN12)

·    English and Cultural Studies (Part-Time through our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    English and French (QR31)

·    English and German Literature (QR32)

·    English and Hispanic Studies (QR34)

·    English and Italian Literature (QR33)

·    English and Latin Literature (QQ36)

·    English and Theatre Studies (QW34)

·    English Language, Media & Intercultural Communication (Undergraduate Diploma)

·    English Literature (Q300)

·    English Literature and Creative Writing (QW38)

·    European Law (4 years) (M125)

·    European Studies (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Film and Literature (QW26)

·    Film Studies (W620)

·    French Studies (Part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    French Studies (R120)

·    French Studies and Economics (R1L1)

·    French Studies and Linguistics (R1Q1)

·    French Studies with Arabic (R1T6)

·    French Studies with Chinese (R1T1)

·    French and German Studies (RR12)

·    French and History (RV11)

·    French and Italian Studies (RR13)

·    French Studies with Japanese (R1T2)

·    French Studies with German (R1R2)

·    French Studies with Italian (R1R3)

·    French Studies with Spanish (R1R4)

·    French with Film Studies (R1W6)

·    French Studies with Portuguese (R1R5)

·    French Studies with Russian (R1R7)

·    French with Sociology (R1L3)

·    French with Theatre Studies (R1W4)

·    German and Business Studies (RN21)

·    German and Economics (R2L1)

·    German and History (RV21)

·    German and Sociology (RL23)

·    German and Theatre Studies (RW24)

·    German Studies (R220)

·    German Studies and Linguistics (R2Q1)

·    German Studies with Arabic (R2T6)

·    German Studies with Chinese (R2T1)

·    German Studies with Japanese (R2T2)

·    German Studies with Portuguese (R2R5)

·    German Studies with Russian (R2R7)

·    German and Italian (RR23)

·    German with Film Studies (R2P3)

·    German with French (R2R1)

·    German with Italian (R2R3)

·    German with Spanish (R2R4)

·    Global Sustainable Development and Business Studies (L8N1)

·    Health and Social Policy (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Hispanic Studies (R400)

·    Hispanic Studies and Economics (R4L1)

·    Hispanic Studies and French (RR41)

·    Hispanic Studies and German (RR42)

·    Hispanic Studies and Italian (RR43)

·    Hispanic Studies and Linguistics (R4Q1)

·    Hispanic Studies and Theatre Studies (R4RW)

·    Hispanic Studies with Arabic (R4T6)

·    Hispanic Studies with Chinese (R4T1)

·    Hispanic Studies with Film Studies (RP43)

·    Hispanic Studies with French (RR4B)

·    Hispanic Studies with German (RR4F)

·    Hispanic Studies with Italian (RR4H)

·    Hispanic Studies with Japanese (R4T2)

·    Hispanic Studies with Portuguese (R4R5)

·    Hispanic Studies with Russian (R4R7)

·    History (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    History (Renaissance/Modern and Modern) (V100)

·    History and Global Sustainable Development (V1L8)

·    History and Italian (VR13)

·    History and Philosophy (V1V5)

·    History and Politics (VL12)

·    History and Sociology (VL13)

·    History of Art (V350)

·    History of Art with Italian (V3R3)

·    Humanities (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Information Systems Management and Innovation (IN22)

·    International Business (N110)

·    International Management (N290)

·    Italian (R300)

·    Italian Studies and Economics (R3L2)

·    Italian Studies and Linguistics (R3Q1)

·    Italian and Classics (RQ38)

·    Italian and European Literature (RQ32)

·    Italian and History of Art (RV33)

·    Italian with Film Studies (R3W6)

·    Italian with French (R3R1)

·    Italian with German (R3R2)

·    Italian with Spanish (R3R4)

·    Italian with Theatre Studies (R3W4)

·    Italian Studies with Arabic (R3T6)

·    Italian Studies with Chinese (R3T1)

·    Italian Studies with Japanese (R3T2)

·    Italian Studies with Portuguese (R3R5)

·    Italian Studies with Russian (R3R7)

·    Language, Culture and Communication (X3Q5)

·    Law (3years) (M100)

·    Law (4 years) (M101)

·    Law (4 Years - Study Abroad in English) (M108)

·    Law and Business Studies (MN11)

·    Law and Sociology (4 years) (ML13)

·    Law with Humanities (MV21)

·    Law with Social Sciences (ML23)

·    Liberal Arts (LA99)

·    Life Sciences and Global Sustainable Development (C1L8)

·    Linguistics with Arabic (Q2T6)

·    Linguistics with Chinese (Q2T1)

·    Linguistics with French (Q2R1)

·    Linguistics with German (Q2R2)

·    Linguistics with Italian (Q2R3)

·    Linguistics with Spanish (Q2R4)

·    Linguistics with Japanese (Q2T2)

·    Linguistics with Portuguese (Q2R5)

·    Linguistics with Russian (Q2R7)

·    Management (N200)

·    Management (with foundation year) (N20A)

·    Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (HH73)

·    Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (HH37)

·    Mathematics (G100)

·    Mathematics (MMath) (G103)

·    Mathematics and Business Studies (G1NC)

·    Mathematics and Economics (GL11)

·    Mathematics and Philosophy (GV15)

·    Mathematics and Physics (GF13)

·    Mathematics and Physics (MPhys) (FG31)

·    Mathematics and Statistics (GG13)

·    Mathematics and Statistics (inc. MMathStat) (GGC3)

·    Mechanical Engineering (H300)

·    Mechanical Engineering (MEng) (H302)

·    Medical Microbiology and Virology (C526)

·    Medical Microbiology and Virology (MBio) (C1A4)

·    Medicine (MBChB) (A101)

·    Modern Languages (BA)

·    Modern Languages and Economics (R9L1)

·    Modern Languages and Linguistics (R9Q1)

·    Modern Languages with Linguistics (R9Q2)

·    MMORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics) (G0L0)

·    MORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics) (GLN0)

·    Person Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy (Foundation degree and part-time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Philosophy (V500)

·    Philosophy and Global Sustainable Development (V5L8)

·    Philosophy and Literature (VQ52)

·    Philosophy with Classical Civilisation (V5Q8)

·    Philosophy with Psychology (V5C8)

·    Philosophy, Politics and Economics (L0V0)

·    Physics (F300)

·    Physics (MPhys) (F303)

·    Physics and Business Studies (FN31)

·    Politics (L200)

·    Politics and Sociology (LL23)

·    Politics and International Studies and Global Sustainable Development (L2L8)

·    Politics, International Studies and French (M163)

·    Politics, International Studies and German (M164)

·    Politics, International Studies and Hispanic Studies (M166)

·    Politics, International Studies and Italian (M165)

·    Politics, International Studies and Quantitative Methods (7L29)

·    Politics and International Studies (L260)

·    Psychology (C800)

·    Psychology and Global Sustainable Development (C8L8)

·    Social Studies (Part Time with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Social Studies (2+2 with our Centre for Lifelong Learning)

·    Sociology (L300)

·    Sociology and Global Sustainable Development (L3L8)

·    Sociology and Quantitative Methods (52L8)

·    Spanish, see Hispanic Studies

·    Theatre and Performance Studies (W440)

·    Theatre and Performance Studies and Global Sustainable Development (W4L8)


Taught Courses 授课型 课程清单 

·    Accounting and Finance(MSc)

·    Advanced Clinical Practice for Health Care Professionals(PGCert)

·    Advanced Legal Studies(LLM,PGDiploma)

·    Advanced Mechanical Engineering(MSc)

·    Analytical and Polymer Science(MSc)

·    Analytical Science :Methods and Instrumental Techniques AS:MIT(MSc,PGDiploma)

·    Ancient Visual and Material Culture(MA)

·    Arts, Enterprise and Development(MA)

·    Behavioural and Economic Science(ScienceTrack)(MSc)

·    Behavioural and Economic Science(EconomicsTrack)(MSc)

·    Behavioural Finance(MSc)

·    Big Data and Digital Futures(MSc/PGDiploma)

·    Big Data & Quantitatve Methods, PAIS

·    Biomedical Engineering(MSc)

·    Biotechnology, Bioprocessing & Business Management(MSc)

·    Business(MSc)

·    Business Analytics(MSc)

·    Business Master's-Distance Learning(MBA)

·    Business Master's-Executive(MBA)

·    Business Master's-Full-time(MBA)

·    Business Master's-Global Energy(MBA)

·    Career Development and Coaching Studies (CDCS)(MA/PGDip/PGCert)

·    Career Education, Information and Guidance in Higher Education (CEIGHE)(MA/PGDip/PGCert)

·    Chemistry with Scientific Writing (MSc,PGDip,PGCert)

·    Clinical Applications of Psychology (MSc)

·    Clinical Psychology with Coventry University (DClinPsych)

·    Coaching (MA)

·    Communications and Information Engineering(MSc)

·    Computer Science(MSc)

·    Continental Philosophy(MA)

·    Creative and Media Enterprises(MA)

·    Culture of the European Renaissance (MA)

·    Cyber Security and Management(CSM)(MSc)

·    Data Analytics(MSc)

·    Diabetes (MSc,PGDip,PGCert)

·    Diabetes, Peadiatrics (MSc,PGDip,PGCertorPGA)

·    Diamond Science and Technology(MSc)

·    Diamond Science and Technology1+3(MSctoPhD)

·    Digital Media and Culture(MA)

·    Drama and Theatre Education(MA)

·    Drama Education and English Language Teaching(MA)

·    e-Business Management (e-BM)(MSc)

·    Early Years Initial Teacher Training

·    Economics (MSc)

·    Economics (Diploma/Diploma+MSc)

·    Economics and International Financial Economics(MSc)

·    Education(FEandSkillsSector)(PGDip)

·    Educational Innovation(MA)

·    Educational Leadership and Management(MA)

·    Educational Studies(MA)

·    Endodontics(MSc)

·    Energy and Power Engineering(MSc)

·    Engineering Business Management (EBM)(MSc)

·    English Language Teaching(MA/PGDip)

·    English Literature (MA,POGDip)

·    Environmental Bioscienceina Changing Climate(MSc)

·    Filmand Television Studies(MA)

·    Finance(MSc)

·    Finance and Economics(MSc)

·    Financia lMathematics(MSc)

·    FineArts(WarwickMFA)

·    Food and Environmental Safety(MSc,PGDip,PGCert)

·    Food Security(MSc)

·    French and Francophone Studies(MAR)

·    Gender and International Development(MA,PGDip)

·    German Studies(MAR)

·    Global History(MA)

·    Global Media and Communication(MA)

·    Global Shakespeare(MA)

·    Health Research(MSc,PGDip,PGCert)

·    Healthcare Operational Management(MSc)

·    Hispanic Studies(MAR)

·    History of Art(Diploma)

·    History of Art(MA)

·    History of Medicine(MA)

·    Information Systems Management & Innovation(MSc)

·    Innovation and Entrepreneurship(IAE)(MSc)

·    Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions(MSc/PGDip)

·    Interdisciplary Biomedical Research(MSc)

·    Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MSc,PGDip)

·    International Business(MSc)

·    International Commercial Law(LLM/PGDip)

·    International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation(LLM/PGDip)

·    International Cultural Policy and Management(MA)

·    International Development(MA)

·    International Development Law and Human Rights(LLM/PGDip)

·    International Economic Law(LLM/PGDip)

·    International Political Economy(MA)

·    International Politics and EastAsia(MA)

·    International Politics and Europe(MA)

·    International Relations(MA)

·    International Security(MA)

·    International Technology Management(INT)(MSc)

·    International Trade, Strategy and Operations(ITSO)(MSc)

·    ItalianStudies(MAR)

·    Leadership for Healthcare(PGCert)

·    Management(MSc)

·    Management for Business Excellence(MBE)(MSc)

·    Manufacturing Systems Engineering(MSE)(MSc)

·    Marketing and Strategy(MSc)

·    Mathematical Sciences(MASt)

·    Mathematics(MSc,PGDip)

·    Mathematics and Statistics(MSc+PhD)

·    Mathematics of Systems(MSc+PhD)

·    Mathematics of Systems(MSc)

·    Mathematics: Interdisciplinary(MSc,PGDip)

·    MBA (distance-learning,full-time,Executive,GlobalEnergy)

·    MBChB (BachelorofMedicineandSurgery)

·    Medical Biotechnology and Business Management(MSc)

·    Medical Education(MMedEd,PGDip,PGCert)

·    Modern History(MA)

·    Molecular Analytical Sciences(MSc,PGDiploma,PGCertificate)

·    MSc+PhD(1+3)in Molecula rAnalytical Sciences

·    Orthodontics(part-time)(MSc)

·    Pan-Romanticisms(MA)

·    PGCE EarlyYears

·    PGCE Primary

·    PGCE Secondary

·    Philosophy(MA)

·    Philosophy(Taught/Research)2+2(MPhil)

·    Philosophy and the Arts(MA)

·    Political and Legal Theory(MA)

·    Politics and International Studies(PAIS)DoubleMastersprogramme

·    Politics and International Studies(MAinResearch)

·    Polymer Chemistry(MSc)

·    Polymer Science(MSc)

·    Programme And Project Management(PPM)(MSc)

·    Pre-Hospital Critical Care(PGCert)

·    Predictive Modelling(MSc)

·    Psychological Research(MSc)

·    Psychology and Education(MA)

·    Public Health(MPH,PGDiploma)

·    Public Policy(MA)

·    Religions and Education by distancelearning(MA)

·    Renaissance,European(MA)-See The Culture of the European Renaissance

·    Research in Film and Television Studies(MA)

·    Research in Politics & International Studies(MA)

·    Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry(MSc)

·    Scientific Computing(MSc)

·    Scientific Research and Communication(MSc,PGDip,PGCert)

·    Service Management and Design(SMD)(MSc)

·    Socialand Political Thought(MA,PGDip)

·    Social Research(MA,PGDip)

·    Social Work(MASW)(MA)

·    Sociology(MA,PGDip)

·    Statistics(MSc,PGDip)

·    Supply Chain and Logistics Management(SCLM)(MSc)

·    Sustainable Automotive Engineering(MSc)

·    Sustainable Crop Production:Agronomy for the 21st Century(MSc)

·    Sustainable Energy Technologies(MSc)

·    Teaching College-Based Highe rEducation(PGAward)

·    Theatre Consultancy(MA/PGDip)

·    Theatre and Performance Research(MA)

·    Translation and Transcultural Studies(MA)

·    Translation, Writing and Cultural Difference(MA)

·    Tunnelling and Underground Space(MSc)

·    UnitedStates Foreign Policy(MA)

·    Urban Informatics and Analytics(MSc)

·    Visual and Material Culture, Ancient(MA)

·    Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Greece(MA)

·    Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome(MA)

·    Working Therapeutically with Children(PostgraduateAward)

·    World Literature(MA)

·    Writing(MA)

Research Degrees 研究型 课程清单

·    AdultEducationandLifelongLearning(PhD)

·    AppliedLinguistics(MPhil/PhD)

·    AppliedLinguistics(MAbyResearch)

·    BiologicalSciences(MScbyResearch)

·    BiologicalSciences(PhD)

·    Biosciences(PhD)

·    CaribbeanStudies(MAbyResearch)

·    CaribbeanStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    Chemistry(MScbyResearch)

·    Chemistry(PhD)

·    ChemistrywithIndustrialCollaboration(PhD)

·    ClassicsandAncientHistory(MAbyResearch)

·    ClassicsandAncientHistory(MPhil)

·    ClassicsandAncientHistory(PhD)

·    ClinicalEducation(PhD/MPhil)

·    ClinicalPsychology(DClinPsych,withCoventryUniversity)

·    ComplexityScience(PhD)

·    ComputerScience(MScbyResearch)

·    ComputerScience(PhD)

·    CulturalPolicyStudies/CreativeIndustries(MPhil/PhD)

·    DiamondScienceandTechnology(MSc+PhD1+3)

·    DiscourseStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    Economics(MRes/PhD)

·    EconomicandSocialResearchCouncil(ESRC)DoctoralTrainingCentre(PhD)

·    Education(EdD)

·    Education(MA/MSc)

·    Education(MPhil/PhD)

·    EducationandPsychology(MPhil/PhD)

·    EnglishLanguageTeaching(MPhil/PhD)

·    EnglishLanguageTeachingandAppliedLinguistics(MPhil/PhD)

·    EmploymentResearch(PhD)

·    Engineering(EngDandEngD(Int))

·    Engineering(PhD)

·    Engineering(MScbyResearch)

·    EnglishandComparativeLiteraryStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    Filmand/orTelevisionStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    Finance(PhD)

·    FrenchStudies(MAbyResearch)

·    FrenchStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    GermanStudies(MAbyResearch)

·    GermanStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    HealthandSocialStudies(PhD)

·    HealthCare(PhD)

·    HealthSciences(PhD/MSc)

·    HispanicStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    HispanicStudies(MAbyResearch)

·    History(MAbyResearch)

·    History(MPhil/PhD)

·    HistoryofArt(MAbyResearch)

·    HistoryofArt(MPhil/PhD)

·    IntegrativeBiosciences(PhD)

·    InterculturalCommunication(MPhil/PhD)

·    InterdisciplinaryBiomedicalResearch(PhD)

·    InterdisciplinaryMathematics(PhD)

·    InterdisciplinaryStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    Italian(MAbyResearch)

·    Italian(MPhil/PhD)

·    Law(MPhil/PhD)

·    Law(LLMbyResearch)

·    LifeSciences(PhD)

·    Mathematics(PhD)

·    MathematicsandStatistics(PhD)

·    MathematicsandStatistics(MSc+PhD)

·    MathematicsofSystems(PhD)

·    MathematicsofSystems(MSc+PhD)

·    MediaandCommunication(MPhil/PhD)

·    MedicalPublishedwork(PhD)

·    MedicalSciences(MSc/PhD)

·    Medicine(MPhil/PhD/MD)

·    MolecularAnalyticalSciences(MSc+PhD)

·    Non-destructiveEvaluation(EngD)

·    Nursing(PhD)

·    Philosophy(PhD/MPhil2+2)

·    Philosophy(PhD)inClassicsandAncientHistory

·    PhilosophyandLiterature(PhD/MPhil)

·    PhilosophyandLiterature(MAbyResearch)

·    Physics(PhD/MPhil)

·    PlantandEnvironmentalSciences(MScbyResearch)

·    PlantandEnvironmentalSciences(PhD)

·    PoliticsandInternationalStudies(PhD)

·    Psychology(MPhil/PhD)

·    Renaissance(MPhil/PhD)

·    RenaissanceStudies(MAbyResearch)

·    ScientificComputing(MScbyResearch)

·    ScientificComputing(PhD)

·    SocialPolicyandSocialWork(PhD)

·    Sociology(PhD)

·    Statistics(PhD/MPhil)

·    Statistics(Oxford-WarwickProgramme)(PhD/MPhil)

·    SyntheticBiology(PhD)

·    SystemsBiology(PhD)

·    TheWBSDoctoralProgramme(MPhil/PhD)

·    TheatreandPerformanceStudies(MAbyResearch)

·    TheatreandPerformanceStudies(MPhil/PhD)

·    TranslationStudies(PhD/MPhil)

·    UrbanScience(PhD)

·    Warwick/NTUJointPhDinNeuroscience

·    WarwickBusinessSchoolDoctoralProgramme

·    Women’sandGenderStudies(PhD)